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Quote of the Month (March 24)

The key to success is to start before you are ready. ~ Marie Forleo

Marie Forleo is an American entrepreneur, well known for her book ‘Everything is Figuroutable’, which is titled after something her mom regularly told her. I’ve listened to some of her interviews, but I don’t remember where I came across the quote. I could have found it in a completely unrelated video for all I know! But it’s not where I found the quote that matters, it’s what it means.

This quote is a constant reminder, for me at least, that we just need to start. Every time I read it I remember that no matter what is going on, no matter the situation, nothing will happen if I don’t do anything. Everyone needs to act immediately for an outcome of any sort to happen; whether we are ready or not, we need to just start.

Another reason why this quote is so important is because a lot of us like to ‘wait’ for the perfect moment to start something. What we don’t realise is that there isn’t a perfect moment. In fact, there’ll never be one. We don’t realise that until it’s too late and by the time we do realise it, we would have postponed our project so much that we would have lost an incredible amount of time we could have used. Now don’t get me wrong, losing time doesn’t mean you should completely give up - you’ll have to start right then instead.

The perfect moment doesn’t exist. That’s it.

If the perfect moment, doesn’t exist, then what are we waiting for? Pretty much nothing as what we are waiting for doesn’t even exist. That’s why we have to just start. Begin the task, begin the project, begin the new adventure, even if you don’t feel as if you are ready. once you take the first step, the second will be easier, and so will the third, until you find yourself in the zone and more than ‘ready’ to take things to the next level because you have built momentum and you wouldn’t be able to have enough of the action.

You will always be feeling something: tired, overwhelmed, demotivated, unwell… The list is endless and even if I only mentioned negative emotions, positive ones could be just as bad. We might be so excited to begin that we do endless research and planning and whatnot that we don’t actually start the work. You cannot reach the end if you haven’t started. But to start, we tend to wait for the perfect moment, the perfect feeling, the time where we feel ready. You’ll never feel ready at the start, but, once you’ve taken your first few steps, you’ll feel more than ready.

From now on, I want you to remind yourself every time you say ‘I’ll do it when I’m ready’ that the perfect time does not exist. There will always be a problem, a set-back, an issue. Perfection may not exist, but momentum does. That’s why you should begin your project ASAP and stop putting it off further. You’ll thank yourself later for taking the first step.

That’s all from me today. I’ll see you in my next post. Until then, just start. :D


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